Friday, April 12, 2013

Yo! Soy Miami

The artifact that I looked at in special collections at Richter was a vegan zine created titled Yo! Soy Miami. This zine was written five years ago in 2008 by a woman and was free.
I glanced at this zine in particular because the title caught my attention.  The title reminded me of Nigman’s Locals, Mobiles, and Exiles. The locals aren’t represented in a city that was originally theirs, but this zine in particular made me feel that the locals were given a voice. It said to me, “I am a local and this is what Miami really is.” It also reminded me of my first Spanish class here at the University of Miami. We went around the room, stating where we were from, and when it was my turn I said “Soy de Chicago.” I felt the say way I imagined this woman feels when she says she is Miami. This personal connection is what Barthes discusses when he evaluates photographs in Camera Lucida.
I thought the zine was interesting. It had so many different elements, many of which you would find in a magazine that would be on sale at CVS or Walgreens. The beginning read like a letter from the editor, where she explained why it took so long for the next issue to come out. She also included many recipes and restaurants in Miami and South Florida in general to get vegan food.
The organization of this zine was collected on small, folded, and unstapled computer paper. It followed a certain order, however she didn’t censor it for the public. I liked the fact that everything she wrote told a story about her and being a vegan. Her voice flowed off the pages, not being limited to a particular audience. This aspect made the zine an enjoyable read for anyone, including those like me who aren’t vegan. 

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