Friday, April 12, 2013

Some Call it Art

Visiting the Special Collections section of the library was definitely one of the most interesting  adventures I have taken on this beautiful campus we walk on everyday. So much history goes with the University of Miami and to know that almost all of it is actually saved, documented, and attainable, is awesome.  I will definitely be checking out this department on my own for the years to come. The photos of the street art caught my eye the most. I never thought that a university would be interested in saving such a collage of photos with their special collections. The school is accepting it instead of shunning it away. That was really cool to me. A liberal perspective on many topics is what I realized comes of the University of Miami, more specifically, the Richter Library’s Special Collections. The graffiti was different on multiple levels. Most of the tags were the taggers name along with an incredible mural of surrounding colors and odd pictures. One of the pictures showed a pair of eyes that were popping out of a head and drooping down very low. This could have been a shot fired at adults who look at the art without appreciation or open-mindedness. Most children to young adults would admire the art, while an older gentlemen/lady would probably just shake their head in disapproval and call it vandalism. Ever generation of youngsters has social conflicts with the adults of their generation. Norms change, as well as behaviors and attitudes. When we are above 40, the teenagers of our generation will do things that very few adults agree with. This is because of how they were raised, and what time period they were raised in. Media, televised programing, and entertainment will change. In Miami, the only street art seen back in the day was an older gentlemen sitting on the side of the road tirelessly painting on slabs of ceramic or a canvas board. Nowadays, adolescents with artistic ability chose to spray paint an entire wall with what seems to be at first glance, a wall of out of control colors. 

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