Thursday, April 11, 2013

Yo! Soy Miami

Special Collections Response
            Visiting Special Collections was once again an exciting trip. Last time I had looked at an older pamphlet and book regarding a civil rights movement in Miami. This time I glanced through a vegan zine called Yo! Soy Miami. It was interesting coming to the realization that the zine was written in 2008 which, only being five years ago, made me readjust the lens though which I was reading it to a more modern rather than historical.
            I chose to read the zine not because I’m vegan, but because the title of the zine evoked a punctum within me. The title Yo! Soy Miami was too similar to the title of my favorite Algernon Cadwallader song, Yo Soy Milk to not explore what was within the small, unstapled, postcard sized pieces of computer paper. The sense of adventure and exploration evoking the punctum, or personal connection, is exactly what Barthes discusses in Camera Lucida.
            The zine itself was also very interesting. It was literally a free publication that some woman wrote about being vegan. From personal reflection, to recipes, to a celebrity vegan page, the author simply wrote whatever she desired. I thought it was funny when I recognized the similar “language” she used. A few of my friends back home are vegans and are always meticulous about ingredients and are quick to use the word “blood-mouths” to describe non-vegans in a light and humorous yet subtly critical way. I also found the celebrity vegan page interesting: seeing Weird Al Yankovich on the same page as Cedric and Omar from The Mars Volta is something I don’t believe I’ll ever see again.

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