Saturday, March 16, 2013

Leisure Activity

Working Out Leisure
Though leisure is often held as a lackadaisical activity blamed for the growing lethargy of the 21st century, my engagement of it expends the most energy and effort.  Some people consider a simple walk on the beach as a fulfillment; others prefer a grueling regiment of weightlifting and sprints.  This activity is working out. For me, I exercise at the gym yo escape the anxiety of everyday life.
 There is no definite beginning in history to working out. There has always been an innate interest in humans to be healthy and aesthetically pleasing.  In Ancient Greece, there were designated areas for people to work out. Gyms began emerging in the United States during the late 19th century after German immigrants brought Turner gymnastic clubs to the United States. Since then, interest has peaked with the recent growth in obesity and self-image issues. Today, going to the gym is not viewed as exemplary, but rather a necessity.
As a college student, there is a critical struggle between schoolwork and leisure. From experience, if I have a lack of leisure, my grades suffer, as would be predicted by Lefebevre and Friedmann.  Because I engage in cognitive rather than physical work, I need to participate in active leisure like going to the gym to clear my mind. It provides me with the satisfaction that I am doing something productive and fun.  The gym at the University of Miami is far superior, larger, and closer to any other gym I have ever visited.  This makes traveling to the gym convenient. Once I step inside, the sound of racquetballs banging the wall, basketball dribbles, and weights clanking fill my eardrums. I begin by stretching my muscles and then running on the treadmill for five minutes. This carries me out of the groggery of my recent day. Then I do some weight lifting exercises. The augmented blood flow through my veins provides new adrenaline and energy to my body.  Every rep challenges my muscles while releasing any tension in my conscience. For once, my troubles are subjugated and I am only focused on one thing. I finish with a nice job outside. The fresh air I inhale as I run around the intermural fields provides another field of relaxation. The small drops of sweat running down my arm from the wind hitting my skin cools my body. Afterwards, a hot shower wipes off all the odor and sweatiness, giving me a new, fresh feeling in the middle of the evening. Usually I would struggle to stay focused on my schoolwork. But after a workout, the endorphins running thru my body helps me stay focused for the rest of the night.  Though soreness may be physically burdensome, it makes me contentment that I am improving my body. Though many see going to they gym as a cumbersome task, it is the part of the day I await the most.  It not only adds the obvious health benefits, but also offers freedom from the daily qualms of life.  

1 comment:

  1. The thesis of this essay is clearly that through your leisure activity of going to the gym and working out you are taking a break from everyday life. This activity successful fills your life with happiness, relaxation, and health.
    Definitely use what we learned in class to improve your essay:
    Pan, track, and zoom!
