Monday, March 11, 2013

Basketball as a Leisure Activity

In December of 1891 the first game of basketball was played in Springfield, Massachusetts. James Naismith created the game and it quickly became popular throughout the Unites States. The spread of basketball was made through the YMCA and U.S. Army. It only took 7 years before the first professional basketball league was created. Following the first league many other leagues were formed until finally the NBA was formed in 1946, becoming the highest level of basketball. There had been many changes to the game of basketball since 1891 but the main concept has always stayed the same.
The league launched in 1946 containing 11 franchises and 60 games. The NBA has now grown to a total of 30 teams, 29 in the USA and 1 in Canada. The season length has also spread to a total of 82 games. The NBA has also become the second most popular professional league in the Unites States only following the MLB. The popularity of the NBA is a direct result of the constant action, the athleticism of the players, and the diversity of the league. All three of these aspects encourage fans to attend and watch games. The action never seems to stop in an NBA game. You could witness amazing dunks, shots, and passes you’ve never dreamed of being possible.
Being an 18 year-old college student my everyday life consists of work. I spend 5 hours everyday taking classes and sitting through long lectures and lessons. When I am not in classes most of the time I have I spend doing homework for the five classes I take. Overall, my day consists of somewhere around eight hours of schoolwork. When I am not doing schoolwork I have to play football and basketball for my fraternities team. So basically my day consists of no relaxation time besides sleeping, which is limited. Despite my incredibly busy schedule I find time for one leisure activity that gives me a break from everyday life, watching basketball, whether it’s my Canes or Knicks.
For millions of people and myself watching basketball, whether it’s attending or sitting on your couch has become an act of leisure. There are no specific groups that can or cannot enjoy this leisure activity. Anyone can watch basketball but with the rise in popularity comes the rise of ticket prices, which can only be paid for by the middle and upper class. Watching at home is available for anyone though. But the act of watching your team play creates a sense of happiness and diversion from your everyday life. Speaking for myself I spend almost my entire day at school or doing work, I look forward to the time I will spend watching my New York Knicks. Watching the Knicks play creates a sense of freedom and distraction from all the other stress of my day. Not only is it the level of play that makes me want to watch the Knicks it’s the excitement. Watching the game with emotion allows me to feel like I’m playing from my couch. Not only do I feel emotion through watching basketball I feel sense of pride and also a bond. Watching basketball gives me a connection with others. Lefebvre would describe this as the human need to be a non-alienated person.
            Like Lefebvre would say my everyday life consists of work and leisure. The work involves doing schoolwork, playing basketball, and playing football. During my busy day I find time for a break to watch basketball, which is my leisure activity. Since my day entails constant physical and mental awareness watching basketball provides a “break” from the stress. It serves as a distraction from everything that is going on. My leisure activity would be described as a distraction and break from my everyday life that provides me with false happiness by Lefebvre. Lefebvre would state that my leisure activity is not fulfilling but I would have to disagree.  


  1. Hey Zach,
    You did a good job of explaining the background of basketball, but you should add more about how it gives you break from everyday life. Add more internal evaluation to your feelings towards the sport!

  2. I agree with the first comment. There is good explanation of the history and your involvement in basketball, but there could definitely be more connections to how it balances with work and is a reflection and critique of your other everyday activities.
